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But What If You've Been Gaslighting Yourself?... Thumbnail

But What If You've Been Gaslighting Yourself?...

Have you ever found yourself making a financial decision that, in hindsight, didn't seem logical? Welcome to the fascinating world of cognitive biases! Cognitive biases are ways we process and interpret information (often in error) that influence the way we act. Basically, our brains gaslight us, leading to choices that might not always be in our best financial interest. It can happen even among the most savvy investors.

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Money Can’t Buy Happiness…or Can It? Thumbnail

Money Can’t Buy Happiness…or Can It?

We’ve all heard the saying, "Money can’t buy happiness." But is that really true? Sure, you can have all the money in the world and still be miserable. Money alone doesn’t make people happier. However, having money certainly doesn’t hurt. For example, money is essential for meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. When people struggle to cover these necessities, their happiness tends to suffer. However, once basic needs are met, the impact of additional income on happiness becomes more nuanced.

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Investing for Good Thumbnail

Investing for Good

Today, I want to explore a topic close to many of our hearts: making a positive impact through philanthropy and impact investing. As women, we have a unique opportunity to use our resources strategically, not just to grow our wealth but to make meaningful change in the world.

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Thinking About Starting Your Own Business? Unveiling Financial Hacks for New Entrepreneurs Thumbnail

Thinking About Starting Your Own Business? Unveiling Financial Hacks for New Entrepreneurs

Picture this: You’ve launched your dream venture—a boutique bakery, a consulting firm, or an eco-friendly product line. The adrenaline rush is real! Starting a new business is exhilarating, but it also comes with financial challenges. As a business owner, you’re juggling multiple roles, from CEO to sales to accountant. Fear not! In this blog post, we’ll explore essential financial hacks to help you navigate the entrepreneurial journey.

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Could You Benefit from Strategic Tax Planning? Thumbnail

Could You Benefit from Strategic Tax Planning?

This one is for my high-net worth girlies. Hopefully by now most of us have filed our taxes…or at least an extension to file. I’ve already heard from a handful of friends and clients the annual horror story of having to pay some unexpected taxes. Always a fun surprise! For 2023, it is probably too late to optimize your tax strategy, but now may be the perfect time to start planning for 2024. You know, while the pain of a large tax bill is still fresh! Let’s dive into some key tax optimization strategies to help future you.

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To Itemize Deductions or not to Itemize Deductions - That is the Question Thumbnail

To Itemize Deductions or not to Itemize Deductions - That is the Question

Before the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), we used to be able to deduct all kinds of things and you really had to work and track expenses to optimize your tax savings. The Act simplified the tax code by getting rid of a lot of the eligible deductions and by making standard deductions so high, that most people won’t need to itemize. While the standard deduction provides a straightforward option, exploring itemized deductions can unearth additional savings for those willing to put in a bit of extra effort.

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